Support the Foundation

2024-2025 Friends of Liljestrand Members


Leadership Circle $5,000 +

Cornuelle Family Foundation

Jack and Janet Gillmar

Hawaii Modern / John Reyno

Ike Baker Velten Architects, Inc.

Estate of Eric Liljestrand

Richard Beard Architects

Paul Sturm & Flora Ling


Design Circle $1,000 +

Anonymous (3)

Anonymous in memory of Lyn & Val Ossipoff

Annie & Perry Klebahn Family Fund at Schwab Charitable

Hahn & Wade Bannister

Richard Beard & Nicholas Proietti

Kristi & Fabio Cardoso in memory of Bob Liljestrand

Hope Cooper Oliver in memory of Helen

Dean Sakamoto Architects LLC

Steven Elton in honor of Walter Lamb

Mark Enomoto

Melinda Eyre in memory of Denese Cox

Joe Ferraro in memory of Bob Liljestrand

Breeze Giannasio

Emily Gillmar

Kay Goodsill


Jamie Jackson Design

Kajsa Johnson & Tim Silvester

Dane Kealoha

Richard Kennedy & Steven Prieto

Kenny & Karelyn Lee

Shan Liljestrand

Judie & Richard Malmgren

Linda Martell

Wendie McAllaster

James Mitchell

Jennifer Mullin


Eva & Roger Paul

Frances & Ken Perrott

Joseph Reno

Keith and Sandra Robbins

Shaunagh Robbins

Sheryl Seaman

Andy & Noel Shaw

Chris & Christine Smith

Robert Stack

Craig Steely & Cathy Liu

T. Taketa Sheet Metal, Inc.

Terry & Diana Tusher

W. Fang and Family Fund

Nate Webster

Lisa Wong

Jean Yokoyama

Emiko & Paul Zackin

Margery Ziffrin Marlowe


Patron $500 +

Air Central LLC

Alan & Joanne Arizumi

Sarah Blacker

Bill Chapman

Alex & Veronica Emery

Elaine Evans

Fishbein Family Foundation

Raj George & Karen Ng

John Goodsill

Jay Grekin & Judy Stubbs

Geoffrey Lewis Architect, Inc.

MaryAnne Long

Scott Massey in memory of Sonja Massey

Nicole Parente-Lopez

Steven Seto

Tony & Paula Sussex in memory of Bob Liljestrand

Perry & Joan White

Carol & Gaylord Wilcox

Scott Wilson

Colin Yamamoto

Valerie Yee


Contributor $250 +

Anonymous (2)

Lisa Abbot in memory of Goro Sulijoadikusumo

Dan Burris

Yen Chun & Dick Ching

Wallace Cunningham

Mike Ferry

Brigitte Hahn-Miller

The Haus Fund of the Hawai`i Community Foundation

Patricia Houden

Kay Lang

Carolyn Lee

James Lintott

Deborah Luckett

Seth & Stacy Lynch

Sylve Montalbo in memory of Alyce Hanson

Jane Page

Cookie & Gary Roberson

Keith Short

Sid Snyder

Sally Stack Lehmann

Carli Tamura & Laurence Kiyohiro

Susie Walter

Howard Wolff

Kayla Wren

Mariko & Kanoa Zimmerman


Donor $20 +

Anonymous (3)

Emma Chapman

Chris & Mandy Chin

Jo Ann Collins

Denby Fawcett

Cynee Gillette-Wenner in memory of Bob Liljestrand

Gordon Jay & Barbara Vonnegut

Gavin Lambie

Preston & Mary Ann Lentz

Heidi Meeker

Sylve Montalbo in memory of Jerol Hanson

Corey Park & Jan Tucker

Carol Sakata, FAIA

Kamran Samimi

Marrie Schaefer & Robert Kuntz

Malia Van Heukelem


Walter Lamb Bronze Special Exhibit & Program Sponsor $1,000 +

Boyd MacNaughton Family

Dean Sakamoto Architects LLC

Walter Dods

Peter Ehrman

Marshall Goodsill Family

Priscilla Growney Family

Alice Guild Family

Hawaii Modern / John Reyno

Kaui Philpotts

Hilary Sims / Walter Lamb Family (2)


ByDesign TV Sponsors

Office Pavilion Hawaii

Hawaiian Host


Sheryl Seaman


“The tour of this amazing home is the highlight of my visits to Hawaii. And I’ve been here twenty-three times.”
Beth Chuck

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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