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Design Conversation Series

Special Event & Exhibition: Walter Lamb Bronze

August 1, 2024 | Design Series

Thursday, August 29, 2024
4:30 – 7:30pm
Liljestrand House


A Retrospective and Exhibit on Walter Lamb’s Life and Furniture Legacy.

An evening of talk story with John Reyno from Hawaii Modern, Jane Goodsill, author of Voices of Hawaii Vol. 1-3, and Walter Lamb’s granddaughter Hilary Sims, as they discuss Walter Lamb’s journey as an architect and designer, as well the inception and evolution of Walter Lamb Bronze furniture. As a special feature, 25 plus pieces of original Walter Lamb Bronze furniture from John’s collection were on display for viewing on the lawn at Liljestrand House.

Check out a great article with more information on Walter Lamb and his designs in Civil Beat by Denby Fawcett

All proceeds supported Liljestrand House’s ongoing preservation projects.

$250 per ticket
Catered pupu, specialty cocktail

Limited seating
Valet parking
Each attendee will receive a WLB baseball hat and an Aesop goodie bag

All attendees were entered to win a drawing for special prizes*:

2023 SIMS limited edition SIMS snowboard: a classic reproduction of the original orange 1993 Noah Salasnek pro model NUB. Either a collector’s piece for display or a freestyle board to ride. Length is 149cm.

2023 SIMS Legacy skateboard deck: the first edition in the new T. Sims Artist Series, memorializing 60 years since Tom built his first skateboard and snowboard, 1963-2023.

*Drawing for special prizes, as well as for the WLB chair and ottoman will take place immediately following the presentation. Winner of the chair and ottoman does not have to be present to win.

This event would not be possible without the generous support of Walter Lamb’s granddaughter, Hilary Sims.

Special thank you to Jason Takeuchi, AIA, for creating a special cocktail in honor of Walter Lamb. 

Huge mahalo to all of our sponsors and donors!

Event & Exhibit Sponsors
Boyd MacNaughton Family
Dean Sakamoto Architects LLC
Walter Dods
Peter Ehrman
Marshall Goodsill Family
Priscilla Growney Family
Alice Guild Family
Kaui Philpotts
John Reyno / Hawaii Modern
Hilary Sims / Walter Lamb Family


Photo courtesy of the Goodsill Family


That’s the most beautiful and well-preserved house I’ve ever been to. Thank you so much!

— Igor and Kate Gots, St. Petersburg, Russia

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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