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Preservation Projects

Dining Room Wall Refinishing

July 10, 2024 | Preservation Projects

Dining Room Wall Refinishing

After the return of the Japanese screen in the dining room, it became apparent that some wall refinishing would be necessary to deal with the “tan” lines exposed by the now slightly smaller screen size. The redwood walls had faded around the screen and the original, darker wall color could be seen at the bottom of the newly installed screen. Master painter Peter Martin matched the original wall stain or “rub-off” and carefully blended his mixture with the original wall color. The darker section at the bottom of the wall is now undetectable. While Peter was on site, we also had him refinish the baseboards in the dining room and living room.

The views, the house, the architecture, the clients…all add up to a transcendent monument.

— Joan Chan

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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