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Support Our Preservation Fund & Win a Special Lamp

October 20, 2022 | Preservation Projects

2022 Bob Liljestrand Preservation Fund

Win one of two very special lamps created by Mark Chai!

You did it! We want to thank you for your support of Liljestrand House and celebrate the restoration of our iconic deck. What better way to thank you than to give away a special gift as part of our year-end appeal.

Thanks to the generosity of Mark Chai, Bob Liljestrand Preservation Fund donors will be entered into a donor appreciation drawing to win either a limited-edition pendant lamp inspired by Vladimir Ossipoff’s IBM Building, or a one-of-a-kind lamp inspired by the pool at Liljestrand House. For every $50 you contribute, you will receive one drawing entry. Tickets will be placed in one basket and the first draw will receive the IBM Lamp and the second draw will receive the Liljestrand Pool Lamp.

The drawing will take place and the winners notified on Wednesday, November 16.

Scroll down for more photos and lamp details.

Your donation will help us obtain a Condition Analysis of the house to provide a comprehensive roadmap of future preservation work and priorities; a soil analysis which will help us to better understand the ground shift currently taking place on the property; significant lighting and electrical work in the dining room and bar area; and updates to some of the draperies, upholstery and soft furnishings.

Winners who live on-island will be able to pick up their lamp at Liljestrand House on a mutually agreeable date. Winners who live off-island will be responsible for the costs of packing and shipping, which could total approximately $500 or more depending on current freight costs. Exact cost not known until the lamps have been packed and taken to the shipping vendor.

The IBM lamp is a limited-edition pendant lamp, similar to the one Mark created for Ossipoff’s cabin at Palehua. Retail value $1,800. Clear fir straight grain veneer with poly-shoji diffuser.  Handmade and cut by hand.  24.5 inches tall and 9.5 inches diameter.

The Pool Lamp is a one-off lamp inspired by the Liljestrand pool. The shade is vintage fiberglass. The triangle deck is reclaimed redwood from a midcentury Honolulu home. The pool and base are plexiglass, the pool deck is Baltic birch plywood. Mark captured the essence of the iconic cantilevered deck and boomerang-shaped pool in this unique table lamp. 18 inches tall and 19 inches long from base to edge of pool deck. 

All donors are automatically entered into the drawing, but entries can also be submitted by mailing a 3×5 postcard with name, address, phone number and email address to Liljestrand Foundation. Postcards must contain all required information and be received by 10am on November 9, 2022, to qualify for the drawing.

So incredibly refreshing to see a residence unmolested by unsympathetic ownership. The personal touches, stories and tales from the last 67 years provide an amazing tapestry from which we can appreciate this architectural masterpiece. May the preservation of this house inspire not only its’ preservation but also that of other modernist examples in Hawai`i. Thank you.

— Carl Jones, Melbourne, Australia

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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