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Preservation Projects

Small Projects During COVID-19

April 14, 2020 | Preservation Projects

Small Projects during COVID-19

While we have postponed some of our larger preservation projects due to health safety and budgetary concerns, we have been able to move forward on some smaller projects. 

While much of the work on the recently completed plumbing project required capping the old water lines and running new lines, one section of the project involved replacing lines in the concrete brick around the shower off of the downstairs playroom.  Most of the demo work was able to be completed on the back side of the fixture wall, hidden in a closet.  However, the new lines couldn’t be connected to the original shower fixtures, thus, new fixtures were located and installed in the shower. 

Recent outside projects include fabricating a new closure clip for the gate off of the kitchen and laying new river rocks in the landscaping along the front of the house.

That’s the most beautiful and well-preserved house I’ve ever been to. Thank you so much!

— Igor and Kate Gots, St. Petersburg, Russia

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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